RoboBoat 2023: Ocean Exploration

Nathan Benderson Park

Sarasota, Florida

RoboBoat is an international competition where students design, build, and compete with self-driving robotic boats, in a series of tests aimed at challenging teams through a variety autonomous (self-driving) tasks. In 2023, we were joined by 22 other teams from 4 continents.

UM::Autonomy placed 6th overall, and 3rd among American Universities.

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Competition Strategy

For this competition season, we tested with the 2022 hull (itself a refurbished 2017 hull) for most of the year, since it was already built. A new hull made of carbon fiber was being built concurrently by the mechanical team. At the last minute, days before departure for the competition, it was ready. The team spent the weekend preparing the new boat for the competition, and thanks to simulator testing, this process went smoothly and few code changes were needed.

Static Judging Criteria

Besides a team's performance autonomously, we are judged on aspects of both our team and the boat.

Design Documentation

The team must prepare a website, a technical design report, and a video for judges to score. These are evaluated based on how well they introduce the team and its structure as well as design considerations of the boat.


The team must present to the judges live their decisions leading to the design of the boat.

Other Judging Criteria

Before the boat can participate in an autonomous challenge, several prerequisite activites must be completed.

Static Safety Inspection

As the boats are very high powered, a runaway boat could damage itself and hurt others. Therefore, competition staff ensure that the boat follows several safety rules:

UM::Autonomy is proud to have been one of the first three teams to pass the safety inspection at the 2023 competition.

Boat Thrust-to-Weight Ratio

The competition rewards fast and light craft. Therefore, a sliding scale is used where points are lost faster the heavier it gets. The boat is weighed and its thrust is measured every day it is entered in the water. In 2023, UM::Autonomy's boat weighed 55 pounds, the lightest weight class.

High Priority Challenges

Navigate the Panama Canal

Panama Canal Diagram
This challenge is mandatory before attempting other tasks. The ASV needs to pass through two sets of gates (a pair of red and green buoys) and starts autonomous navigation at a minimum of 6 ft before the set of gates.
As it is mandatory, this challenge is of high importance. In 2019, the boat could only successfully pass the navigation channel once out of four qualification runs as a result of a major electrical failure onboard.
14 out of 15 successful runs
Post-competition Remarks
As one of the simplest tasks, this was completed with high success. However, additional tuning was needed upon arrival to the competition site as the boat's computer vision system would occasionally fail to detect a buoy.

Magellan's Route / Count the Manatees & Jellyfish

Magellan's Route Diagram
The ASV passes through between multiple sets of gates (pairs of red and green buoys) The ASV also avoids intermittent yellow buoys (jelly fish) and black buoys (manatees) of various sizes and counts them.
The challenge requires minimal external hardware or software development and mainly just involves careful navigational operability and fine motor control. This challenge could be tested and fine-tuned early in the development process.
9 out of 10 successful runs
Post-competition Remarks
This challenge revealed some disadvantages of our indoors testing area. Specifically, our obstacle-avoidance system decided that the best way to avoid hitting buoys was to go outside of the red-green channel! While technically following our instructions, it didn't score many points. Although we didn't have time to fix that during the competition, the boat did go through several red-green pairs on some runs scoring us important points.

Northern Passage Challenge

Northern Passage Diagram
The ASV enters the gate buoys, maneuvers around the mark buoy, and exits thought the same gate buoys, as quickly as possible. The timer starts when the bow (front) crosses the gate buoys and stops when the stern (back) crosses the gate buoys.

The team colloquially refers to this as the "Speed Challenge".

Based on the 2019 score-sheet, a time between 25-45s is needed to remain competitive in the Northern Passage challenge, with the fastest 2019 run coming in at 27 seconds.
9 out of 10 successful runs. We hope for a baseline of 35 seconds, and a goal of 26 seconds.
Post-competition Remarks
Another disadvantage of indoors testing was highlighted here: buoy interference. Specifically, our computer vision system had a hard time distinguising the blue buoy (marking where to turn around) from the black buoys (marking an obstacle to avoid in the previous challenge, Magellan's Route). When we tested indoors, we only tested one or two challenges at a time, and with different lighting.

Medium Priority Challenges

Beaching & Inspecting Turtle Nests

Beaching & Inspecting Turtle Nests Diagram
Before the time slot starts, teams are assigned a color and must dock at the bay with the matching color. Once the ASV detects and enters the docking bay, it must report the number of "eggs" (number of circles) in the nest.

The team colloquially refers to this challenge as "Docking."

This challenge is a bit more involved in terms of computer and color/shape recognition but does not require external hardware development.
9 out of 10 successful runs
Post-competition Remarks
This task turned out easier than expected. Matching on color rather than number of dots on the board turned out rather easy. Scoring involved simply hitting the docks.

Feed the Fish

Feed the Fish Diagram
The ASV detects the "feeding table" (purple frame), then lines up and shoot three "pellets" (racquetballs) through the frame into any of the three holes. Points are awarded if the ball is fired into any of the holes but fewer points are awarded for just landing the ball on the deck.

The team colloquially refers to this challenge as "Skeeball," the classic arcade game.

As both the Ponce de Leon (see next) and Feeding the Fish are new challenges, UM::Autonomy chose to only focus on completing the Ponce de Leon challenge this year, though work was done throughout the year to complete the Skeeball task in the future.
Post-competition Remarks
See next task

Ponce de Leon / Fountain of Youth

Ponce de Leon Diagram
The ASV detects the target face (blue/white striped) and shoots enough water through the target to raise the ball above the green line in the pipe. The ASV may pump the water from the environment or store it on board.

The team colloquially refers to this challenge as "Water Blast."

This is the first season with this challenge and hardware and software development of external mechanisms pushed back actual testing. Therefore, we knew that immediate mastery of this task would be difficult and time consuming, and should only be attempted after other challenges.
3 out of 5 successful runs
Post-competition Remarks
Although we had planned to focus on shooting water rather than balls, it turned out that water leakage was a big worry: if the pump failed and dumped water in the boat's electronics, we wouldn't be able to compete anymore. As such, we re-focued our effort on Feed the Fish. We finally had a working ball-shooting system while at the competition site, but lack of testing time meant that it couldn't be integrated in time.

Both tasks only had three teams that could shoot anything. No teams landed balls in the buckets.

Low Priority Challenges

Ocean Cleanup

Ocean Cleanup Diagram
The ASV detects an underwater pinger which designates the area to collect "debris" (raquetballs) from. The ASV may then use the collected balls as extra balls in the Feed the Fish challenge.
As this task is a new challenge, UM::Autonomy chose to focus on completing the Ponce de Leon challenge and Feeding the Fish challenge for this year, though work was done throughout the year to complete the Ocean Cleanup task in the future.
Post-competition Remarks
This was one of the hardest challenges this year. Only a couple teams even had the hardware to participate, and none scored points. We will need to evaluate again whether this task is worth pursuing next year.
UM::Autonomy extends a special thanks to Cole Biesemeyer from the Open Source Robotics Foundation for the 3D model of Nathan Benderson Park and GdaƄsk University of Technology's SimLE: SeaSentinel team for creating 3D models of various competition elements.

Competition Results

UM::Autonomy placed 6th overall, and 3rd among American Universities.

UM::Autonomy members pose on-stage with a judge holding a banner reading "2023 3rd place design documentation"

Static Judging

UM::Autonomy placed 1st in the technical report, 2nd in the video, and 1st in the presentation for an overall 3rd place in design documentation.

The UM::Autonomy 2023 boat in the water

Autonomous Challenge

UM::Autonomy placed 9th. 13 teams scored no points in the autonomous challenge.

The UM::Autonomy members in a fun pose surrounding the boat

The Team

The team feels very confident for the 2024 season. Many new members attended competition for the first time, creating an exciting environment where many members are familiar with competition practices allowing us to achieve further success in future years.